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FIFA makes a historic amendment to football...a new colored card!

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

New color for cards inside matches

Football will be on a date with a historic amendment by all standards, as the International Football Association Board is considering adding a card in a color other than yellow and red and with a function that is not usual in the round.

The color of the new card will be white, and once it is shown to the player, this will mean his expulsion from the field for 10 minutes, after which he will return to resume the match with his team.

The idea appears to be inspired by handball, as the regulations stipulate that a player can be suspended for two minutes when he makes a violent intervention, and after repeating the suspension three times for the same player, he is completely expelled from the match.

According to the newspaper "L'Equipe", the International Football Association Board, which is responsible for setting the game's regulations, agreed to try the matter in some of the lower levels of leagues, in order to determine the extent of its effectiveness and the possibility of applying it in all tournaments.

There are many ideas that called for FIFA to introduce amendments to football to increase its excitement, including amending the offside law, and perhaps video technology was the most important amendment approved by the Council over the past years.

It remains to be noted that experimentation does not necessarily mean implementing the idea, as officials may discover that it is not suitable for football, or the opposite may happen.

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